This play is part of Diogo Gomes de Figueyredo's Memorial / Of the Practice of the Montante.


You will raise the montante with the point forward in front of the right ear, with the left foot forward. Then you will move the right foot forward, and at the same time you will give a talho forward, bringing the montante high in front of the face in order to pass it over the head and behind the shoulders, such that it falls over the left arm to give a circling revez, and then a talho in a manner that you return the montante to its position high in front of the face. And from there, first moving the left foot forward, you will give a revez forward, ending with the montante high with the point forward, and passing it over head you will give a circling talho and a revez, returning the montante to the position in which you began the rule, which you will undo in the following manner: You will first remove the left foot and give a talho forward, ending with the montante point forward in front of the face, and then a talho,[2] and a circling revez,[2] and ending with the montante in the same place. Then you will remove the right foot backward with a revez forward that will stop with the montante high, and then a talho and a circling revez, replacing the montante how it started the rule.

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