How you shall plant your halberd in front on his neck

<-- If you stand before an opponent in the middle.. (3.36r.1) Up Halberd Position yourself with your halberd... (3.36r.2) -->


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Position yourself with your halberd... (3.36r.2) [1 video]

Or when an opponent thrusts in at your right... (3.36r.3)

In the Onset, see that you catch... (3.36r.4)

If an opponent sends your halberd... (3.37r.1)

When you stand with your left foot forward... (3.37r.2) [1 video]

Item, again cut a High Round Stroke... (3.37r.3) [1 video]

Also you shall particularly note... (3.37r.4) [1 video]

Item, thrust earnestly against his right... (3.37r.5)