Simple Rule 8

<-- Composed Rule 7 Up Rules Composed Rule 8 -->


Eric Myers and Steve Hick

This rule serves against shieldsmen. While standing still, you will give a talho from behind leaning the body, and another forward putting in the right foot and circling with the montante such that the face ends up turned towards where you gave the first talho, and then giving a revez while standing still and another putting in the left foot, circling around to the right side with the montante, and with the face towards where it was at the beginning. You will undo the rule exiting with a talho and another removing the left foot, circling again, then with a revez and another removing the right foot. Next you will give a talho from behind while standing still, and another putting in the right foot, and another removing backward the left foot and a revez while standing still, and another putting in the right foot and another removing the same right foot in return backward. These final blows are of the sixteenth composed rule, which after given, you can also insert into this rule the fourteenth simple rule.


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