Composed Rule 14

<-- Simple Rule 14 Up Rules Simple Rule 15 -->


Eric Myers and Steve Hick

This rule has two universal postures, the first is to place the body square with the right foot in front, the montante in obtuse angle along the right diagonal, such that the right hand rests in front of the belt to deflect the thrust aimed at the left breast with a talho, and immediately another with a jump, as described in the simple rule, and finish with a revez; or after you deflect with the first talho, ready the thrust over the right arm and give it moving the left foot forward and then the right, and finish putting in the left foot with a revez. The second posture is to place the right foot forward, and the montante in obtuse angle along the left diagonal to deflect by revez the thrusts aimed at the right side, and successively give another revez with the jump as described in the simple rule; or else after deflecting the thrust with the revez, to ready the thrust with the pommel on the right shoulder, which you will give moving the left foot forward followed by the right, and then finish putting in the left foot with the revez. In the first posture, if the adversary’s blow is aimed below the belt, you will deflect it with the montante moving in acute angle along the left diagonal, shifting the body with a moderate step along the line of infinity towards the right side, and letting fall the montante to the left side with the hands exchanged, you will put in successively the left foot, and following it the right foot with an altibaxo to ready the thrust over the right arm, and give it moving the left foot forward, to finish giving an altibaxo revez.


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