Composed Rule 16

<-- Simple Rule 16 Up Rules


Eric Myers and Steve Hick

You will plant your left foot forward and you will give a talho raising the montante over the head to come to circle on the right side and you will give it while standing still; and then another talho putting in the right foot and another removing backward the left foot. Then you will ready a thrust over the right arm, which you will give while standing still, and another thrust with the pommel on the right shoulder which you will give moving the right foot forward. Then the left foot will go with the revez, which you will give removing backward the right foot, and another revez moving the left foot forward, from which will originate a thrust over the left arm which you will give while standing still, and from that a revez removing backward the right foot, ending in the first state in which you began the rule, and so you may proceed again, if necessary.


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